There are many ways for you to make a real,

visible impact on the community with SWAP!

Physical Donations:

Simply donate items you don't need to the Trading Post, you never know what might be of use to someone else! One person's trash is another treasure. To donate you can bring items directly to our storefront. You can either (1) come during our open hours and hand items to the person manning the storefront or (2) leave them in bins located outside our front door.

When donating please note that these are items our team will thoroughly be going through and eventually given to someone else. That being said, we kindly ask that you wash anything you are donating before giving it to us and presenting it in a clean manner. If dropping off items for the bin, please make sure donations are:

Thoughtful -

  • If the bin is overflowing please do not leave loose items outside the storefront. Wait 24 business hours before coming back to see if there is more room inside the bin.

  • If you are donating multiple things, please put items into a bag rather than dumping them individually into the bin.

  • If the weather is supposedly supposed to rain or in general be bad, please refrain from leaving them in bins as they might get gross or moldy.

Appropriate - Here’s what we DON’T accept at the Storefront

  • Trash, stolen goods, undergarments, dorm stuff, bedding, appliances

    Did you know you could get tax deductibles by donating to SWAP? For both physical as well as monetary donations, make sure to fill out this Receipt Form for proof of donation!

Monetary Donations:

If you are not in St. Louis or want to support SWAP in another way, we also accept monetary donations. These help ensure SWAP can best serve our community. All proceeds go toward maintaining our organization as well as giving to local charities. Click the button to help us with our mission:
